a plumb-line of excellence
- a heavenly whisper -
The beginning of civilization was viewed by the angels with complete awe and wonderment. The unique grand design of El-Shaddai (almighty sufficient one) on giving His children the very best of His magnificence. An awestruck Garden of Eden experience and divine fellowship of His eminence. Therefore, a good reason to embrace pentecost by the rhema
of God's voice with us. On going beyond the simplicity of mere Christianity and the logos
of God's word alone. Thus, an endearing and experiential relationship as once enjoyed during those days and once again for all eternity. To step above the good and the acceptable — into the perfect will of God himself. Although, it is quite common these days for people to desire the garden experience without actually acknowledging the wonderful presence of Christ, Jesus. As the term born-again
may never enter into a sermon or actuate a sincere plea of repentance from ones heart. The beatitudes of a social gospel and therefore, the decline of the Holy Spirit's activity nowadays.
- unequivocal delight -
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Awakening: The news media are doing more than reporting current events these days. It's…
Ready Set Go: Look, I will tell you a mystery and again in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye
Quicktime: The quickening of God's Spirit upon a disciple of faith, would have its true beginning…
Sideways Down: The revealing of a biblical viewpoint would be an arduous journey of going…
Sure-fire: A spiritually gifted endowment upon the disciples are already given and…
Upward Swing: As Elisha the prophet once said: Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?
Truth or Dare: The elegance of El-Shaddai's winsome reality is overshadowed by an…
Ready or Not: The signal of the clarion trumpeter’s rally call
are echoing within the…
Cryptic Sways: A sullen heartbeat of emotion prevails these days. As for others, an oblivious…
Edge of Glory: The splendid opportunity for a Christian disciple to shine. As an old time…
Experiential: To talk about unseen entities or invisible workings of the netherworld would be…
HaSha’ar: The story of God’s salvation is the most important believe it or not
exposition of…
Spiralling: It seems more-so plausible and pretentious for people to dodge the subject…
Spontaneous: Surely, a time for revival; as a mighty rushing wind, which sweetly lingers as…